Saturday, April 2, 2011

Great Night!

Well... A night filled with making pancakes, watching cloudy with a chance of meatballs, and making the creepiest noise I've ever made, with Libby Burgon and Kainen Adkins is a night I'll remember! It was such a relief to have friends over and be able to actually do something other than lay in my bed and sit on Facebook. I'm glad I still look mostly normal and not all deformed so I don't scare people away. Thank you God for protecting me during the fall!


  1. I feel like this song describes how you look at life. haha. hope this isn't too..creepy for you. haha. :)

  2. Well... I see life a little different. I see it more as a great gift from God that I should glorify him for giving it to me and I should share my faith with all the people I know!

  3. Oh! i see! i love how much you love God, it's really inspiring to me!

  4. God has given me such a great life and kept me alive through this whole accident. I can do nothing but love him!
