Monday, April 11, 2011

New Things Make Life Great!

Today started off a little weird. I woke up at 7 because I had a doctors appointment at 9. I am not really used to waking up early yet because with recovery I am supposed to sleep as much as I can. I don't get a lot of sleep during the night because of my back. But I manage to sleep very well in the morning. I have been sleeping until either 9 or even 11. Getting back to school is gonna be a hassle! When me and my mom got to my doctors appointment the doctor ended up being late because her house got snowed in. We went to see a neurologist to figure out how my brain is doing after the accident. When she got there she had me do a couple of brain tests like watching her finger move and seeing how I walk and not letting her push my arms down. I did good at those, but we brought in MRI's from the hospital I was at and when she looked at them she noticed a lot of bleeding in my brain so she wanted more MRI's done to see how that was healing up. She also recommended that I get an MRI done on my ear to so we can see if it is bones that are stopping my hearing. She put that in the description so that the hospital we will get the MRI's done at will do my ear to. We just have to wait for them to call us and make an appointment. When we got home we ate some good lunch and just got to chill out and sit around for a little while. I got to check up on Facebook and stuff and relax. My mom called me upstairs and told me that I had a surprise on the porch. I went out and saw a pretty big box from UPS. I knew just what it was! My new bindings from! I took it inside and opened it all up. I saw them and was probably the happiest I have been in a while! I took out my new bindings and just stared at them and figured them out. They are by far, the best bindings I have ever had! And they should be for costing $226. Good thing is an awesome website and I ended up sending my old bindings I got from them back because of some damage and I got a full refund which was $230. These bindings are even better and newer and cost less then my old ones. is by far my favorite site ever! After me messing around with my bindings for about an hour, Ryan came over and asked if I wanted to go pick up his Mom from the hospital where she works with him. I did and got to hang out with my best bud, and also got a free slushee drink and some Wendy's spicy chicken nuggets! I got home from that and my Dad was at our house. He ended up making me a really good dinner and got to hang out with his kids for a bit. After he left, Ryan came over to my house again and we got to just hang out and watch tv and stuff. I showed him the new video me and our friends made and it was hilarious! Other than the doctor telling me that my brain had been bleeding and she wanted to check if it was getting better, I'd say it was a pretty terrific day!

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